Salut, My name is Fatoumata Sy I am a 23 years old student attending Montgomery College, majoring in Broadcast Journalism. I am a daughter, a sister and an aunt. Personally I am defined as God fearing and family oriented. On august 31st I took the crown as Miss Guinea North America 2014-2015 and I could not be more honored to have been chosen to be a role model, an ambassador for the Guinean youth and represent Guinea all over the world. Born and raised in Guinea I was brought up with strong cultural beliefs and welcoming others. As a child I witness my parents giving back to others as often as possible, from providing for them financially, to giving them shelter, and at times even took care of their well-being and hospital bills. Growing in such an environment I was motivated from a young age to become successful in life so I could be able to help others as my parents did. From there on I always wanted to help others, whether it was giving food to friends that didn’t have enough food to eat, to giving my toys away to needy children. The older I got the more I developed a strong desire and passion to help others.
In high School I devoted my free time involved with community service projects such as community park beautification, volunteering at homeless shelters, canned food drives and volunteering at fosters homes. I surpassed the school requirements in order to graduate. Two years ago I joined Guinea Edu-grade, a non-profit organization that empowers Guinean youth through education and sports. Working with this organization motivated me to start my own non-profit organization in the near future, which will be focused on raising awareness on the importance of education, empowering Guinean children and funding the less fortunate children and orphans. With the title of Miss Guinea North America to facilitate my aspersions, it is a blessing that I can begin working on further humanitarian projects, I hope you will join me on this journey to accomplish acts that will change lives, change a nation, and more importantly change the world.
I would like to thank Allah first and foremost because without him I would not have been here to fulfill his purpose for me, a great thank you to the Miss Guinee North America committee (Tibu, Ms. Barbara, Kyle, Fatty,Souadou,Fatima,Mariama Elga) for the help and support, specially Mrs. Diallo Hawa Barry for making all this possible and being a great example. A special thank you to my sister Makale Sy for pushing me hard believing in me. Thank you Guinea Edu-grade for sponsoring me, Thank you Euphrasie Design and Sifa Love design for making my gorgeous dresses, Thank you Tantie Marte for my unique hairstyle, Thank you Zainab for keeping up with me backstage during the pageant and last but not least a great thanks to my family, friends, and love ones for all the support. I am honored to be the queen of Miss Guinee North America 2014- 2015